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CTF Week Meeting 2022-02-17

  1. How to improve my skills/techniques?
  2. Wiki/Blog collection.
  3. Competitions.


About our mission this semester: self-improvement and advanced skills learning.

A. material learning and reading.

B. challenge/competition solving.

C. vulnerability dig and website/open-source pen-testing.

D. sharing.

It's highly encouraged to share your blog/wirteups with us. Talking with each other in the group is also a good method to get improved.

Don't be shy.

Don't be afraid to talk with "dalao". In fact, all of us are grown from newbies. And in fact, none of us is satisfied with our current knowledge.


I've encountered some difficulties these days. It's hard to find new contents to learn about. I need your help.

The goal of having more collections about the wiki/forum/blog is to fully access the CTF and hacking. We are going to design a book about CTF.

The contributions would help us:

A. design this book.

B. handle a daily sharing bot/wechat channel.

Everything you find may help above can send to me.



TQLCTF高校挑战赛由清华大学(网络研究院)奇安信集团网络安全联合研究中心主办,由清华大学Redbud战队及奇安信技术研究院联合命题,本次竞赛旨在提高高校在校生网络安全技能,为网络安全选拔优秀人才。全国高校在校生均可报名参加每队报名人数不得超过10人。 此次竞赛冠亚季军队伍将直接晋级TQLCTF京津冀线下挑战赛,体验全新AWD竞赛模式以及沉浸式CTF竞赛视觉盛宴!

时间:2022-02-19 09:00-2022-02-20 21:00



Participants will get access to the cyber security tournament system and they will have 24 hours to solve CTF challenges.

星期五, 18 二月 2022, 01:00 CST — 星期六, 19 二月 2022, 01:00 CST

Event organizers


  • [x] SRC平台似乎限制了校内访问?
  • [ ] 寻找外部的协助与大佬。
  • [ ] 课本选择一些经典的题目作为展示。
  • [ ] 课本项目的(会议)平台与项目支持。
  • [ ] wiki的维护:下周六(24-26返校)。