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Varsity Competition Training Model

The Latest Training Schedule

View the training schedule on our wiki page: 2023 Spring Schedule.


Varsity training is usually online + offline, usually at a fixed location and time. The goal of the training is to promote new members and to coach current varsity members to become proficient in a particular area. Training content may vary from school year to school year, depending on the schedule and staffing changes for that school year.

Training Format

The training format for Spring 2022 was influenced by COVID-19, which had been in an online self-study mode for a long time, and was partially adjusted when members returned to school.

Training is usually held every Sunday morning and afternoon for separate objectives. The morning training is geared towards new members and is basic knowledge and practical training, while the afternoon is geared towards current varsity members and is advanced content and domain proficiency training.

Adjustment Note: Most competitions will be held on Sundays, and the mindset on Sundays will also generally be better than on Saturdays, so it was adjusted to Sunday for offline training.

Basic knowledge and practical training.

The training is in the form of lecture + salon, which advocates communication during the training. The process will start with lecture sharing of training contents and providing reading materials. After the lecture, the materials will be read first, and the time will be rotated to summarize and conclude the content of the materials and share the materials they read to other members from the perspective of the pedagogue.

Advanced content and domain proficiency training.

The training is in the form of practice + salon. Before the training, the training questions will be collected and completed through the weekly question summary, and you need to complete the weekly question practice before the training. First, a summary of the solutions to the training questions and a lecture on the necessary knowledge will be conducted. For unintended solutions and multiple solutions, multiple solutions will also be used to share. The training time is then used to solve the questions on the spot, and after the solution, the member who completed the question will share in the salon.

Training Questions

Each week's training will be followed by the release of the following week's practice questions, along with an open submission channel.

The training questions will be selected from each field with some exercises with a difficulty gradient of.

2 sign-ups + 2 normal + 1 difficult, with a total of 5 questions per domain.

Members who choose multiple areas can choose any area to answer, and after completing this area, they can continue to complete other areas of questions.

The areas that will be subject to topic selection are.

Miscellaneous (Misc), Web (Web), Cryptography (Crypto), Binary (PWN), Reverse (RE).

Member Support

The training of the varsity team will also use the old-led model for mentoring and helping new members.

Based on the collected directions of the current members of the varsity team, the current members of the varsity team who are responsible for mentoring the new members will be set.

In the mentoring, the active members can recommend new members to join their own team based on their activity and knowledge base, and increase the matching score (20) in the team entry assessment.

Suggestions Feedback

Any valuable suggestions on the training process can be sent to

Valuable suggestions are also welcome.